أكتينون Achtenon
الإسم العلمي : بيبريدين
Biperidine Hcl 2 mg / tab.Company Name
شركة أدكو
Pharmaceutical Form
The carton box contains two strips each of 10 tablets .
يعمل العلاج كمضاد للكولين، أحد النواقل العصبية المهمة في تحفيز حركة العضلات الهيكلية، و بالتالي يساعدعلى تحسين التحكم بحركة العضلات و يخفف من تشنجها في مريض الباركنسون و يساعد على عودة الحركة إلى طبيعتها
- As an adjunct in the therapy of all forms of parkinsonism ( idiopathic , postencephalitic , arteriosclerotic ) control of extrapyramidal disordess secondary to neuroleptic drug therapy ( e.g. phenothiazines ).
Warning & Precautions Isolated instances of mental confusion, euphoria , agitation and disturbed behaviour have been reported in susceptible patients . Also, the central antichohnergic syndrome can occur. As an adverse reaction to properly prescribed antichohnergic medication . although it is more frequently due to overdosage It may also actions ( see drug Interactions and overdosage sections ) Cautions should be observed in patients with manifest glaucoma , though no prohibitive rise in intraocular pressure has been noted following oral administration . patients with prostatism , epilepsy or cardiac arrhythmia should be given this drug with caution ,occasionally . drowsiness may occur , and patients who drive a car or operate any other potentially dangerous machinery should be warned of this central nervous system . the consumption of alcohol should be avoided
Drug : Induced Extrapyramida! symptoms : Oral : one tablet one to three times daily
Adverse Reactions
CNS effects may manifest as fatigue . dizziness and drowsiness and especially at higher dosages restlessness, agitation, anxiety . confusing, euphoria. Occasionally impairment of memory and in rare cases delirium and hallucinations , nervosity , headache and insomnia . Dyskinesia , muscle twitching and speech impairment have sometimes been observed. Stimulation of the CNS is common in patients with impaired cerebral function and may require dose reduction peripheral side effects include dry mouth rarely swelling of the salivary glands accomodation difficulties. Mydriasis accompanied by photophobia . hypohidrosis . constipation, gastric symptoms, nausea. tachycardia and rarely bradycardia Occasionally difficult urination especially in patients with prostatic hypertrophy (dose reduction is recommended ) and more rarely retention of urine ( antidote : carbachol ) Narrow angle glaucoma may occur . Furthermore hypersensitivity and isolated cases of allergic reactions have been reported
Contra Indications
1- Hypersensitivity to biperiden 2- Narrow angle glaucoma 3 - Bowel obstruction. 4 - Megacolon .
Drug Interactions
The administration of Achtenon in combination with other antichotinergic psychotropic drugs . antihistamines. antiparkinsonism drugs and antispasmodics may aggravate the CNS and peripheral side effects Concomitant intake of quinidine may enhance the antichohnergic cardiovascular effects ( especially AV conduction ) Concurrent administration of levodopa and Achtenon may potentiate dyskinesia Tardive dyskinesia induced by neuroleptics may be intensified by Achtenon . Parkinsonian symptoms in the presence of existing tardive dyskinesia are occasionally so severe as to mandate continued anticholinergic therapy . Anticolinergics can heighten the CNS side effects of pothidine . The effects of alcohol may be enhanced during therapy with Achtenon The action of metoclopramide and compounds of similar activity in rhe GI tract is antagonized by Achtenon
أسماء علمية أخري لنفس المستحضر (للبيبريدين)
اكتينون - اكينيتون - اكينيتون ريتارد - كينوبريد
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